Monday, November 10, 2014

Thankfulness - a season before Christmas.

I'm joined in the blogging challenge by several other wonderful women who are part of a community calling themselves RevGalBlogPals.  You can see the graphic over on the right.  One of these women wrote a beautiful reflection on gratitude today.  You can read it here:

I must admit that in the excitement of planning for the advent season (which starts in three weeks!), I have been allowing this season of Thanksgiving here in the US to get away from me.  Between getting everything together for All Saints Day and searching for Advent Liturgies - I've forgotten this important time.

I've not forgotten to be grateful. Some of you know my harrowing story of the cruise control with a mind of its own. I'm grateful that it wasn't worse and that I was able to think clearly enough to get the car home (180 miles).  Oh yes, I'm grateful.  But am I slowing down long enough to really feel the gratitude and express it to God?  Am I just saying words while I'm also loading the washer? Am I really taking the time to focus on my spiritual and prayer life.  I'm sad to say the answer is no.

I thought about writing that I was ashamed to say no but I changed my mind.  I know that God doesn't want me to be ashamed, God wants me to do better. Getting caught up in the self-recrimination is, simply put, self-centered.  It disguises and distorts my sincere feelings of gratitude.

So - here's what I'm going to do.  I'm setting aside 15 minutes each and every day to just sit silently and be grateful.  I don't have to name everything I'm grateful for, I just need to be grateful.  This is about acknowledging the gifts I have been given and recognizing the source of those gifts is God.

What do you do to express your gratitude to others and to God?

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