Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Creativity? Where did the time go?

I love hobbies and crafts. I knit, crochet, tat, make bobbin lace, weave (just a little). I create jewelry with beads, chain maille and wire wrapping. I enjoy playing with photoshop and creating logos, editing pictures, etc. I like to cook and dehydrate fruits and veggies.

I haven't done any of that lately because, well, I'm swamped with school stuff. So I've been lamenting my lack of time to be creative.  What I have forgotten is all the creativity that goes into designing a worship service each week.  I've discounted the creativity in the work I do.  For those friends who aren't clergy, have you ever thought about all the work that goes into a worship service?  I didn't until I had to do it. I'm not sure I even really understood it until it was all in my hands.

I've worked lights, sound, camera, etc. for contemporary worship services.  I've sat in on the worship planning team meetings of the same. I've worked back stage at every major community theatre in town. I've stage-managed shows at all of them too. I've directed and acted in them.  Designing a worship service is not unlike directing a play.  It is important that you create a themed experience for the worshipers from start to finish.  I must say, some Sundays are better than others.

Here's what I do each week. I read the lectionary texts early in the week and begin thinking about the major topic for the sermon.  As the week progresses, I choose which texts to use and start thinking about what 3 hymns both fit into the order of worship as well as the sermon theme/topic.  I then begin writing a call to worship responsive reading. I write several prayers for the different moments in the service. The hardest of these is the prayer of intercession which needs to be topical but also sensitive to the needs of the congregation.  I choose the songs as well as which verses we will sing. Does the hymn contain theologically sound statements and do they apply to the theme this week. Also - what I will I play for the prelude (instrumental, 2 minutes or less) and where can I find special music that fits. Now that I have these things selected and written it's time to create the bulletin and make sure the soundtrack is edited properly and transferred to my tablet.  Once I get the prayer list updated with the additions and deletions from the week before, it's time to print it all out. Which bulletin cover will I use this week?

After all that is done, I work on putting the sermon on paper. I've been writing it in my head all week, especially while designing the service. Now it's time to get it down on paper.

So yes, I guess I have had quite a lot of opportunity to engage my creative side.  One day soon, though, I'm gonna pick up those knitting needles again! 

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