Sunday, November 9, 2014

Because God is GOD!

Have you ever really thought about God's power?  We talk about how God created the earth and the heavens. We talk about how God can cure any ailment. We talk about God interceding in our lives to bring comfort, heal, find a spouse for us, et cetera. What I think we're missing here is a better understanding of God's awesome power. Ancient peoples ascribed eclipses, earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters to God's direct intervention and were humbled by the power exhibited. We understand now how these things happen as a result of planetary movements, plate tectonics and shifting air currents. We've lost the mystery and sense of the immensity of God's great power because we have come to understand a very small part of this thing God created which we call the universe.

Science Fiction stories with warp speed or some other faster than light travel make us think of easily getting from one planet to another. There is no sense of the vast space that must be traversed.  There is no real sense of the scale of the solar system, let alone the universe.  If we take a ball 16 inches in diameter and use it as a scale model of the sun, then Pluto is less than 0.03 inches in diameter and located over a mile away.  That's how big our solar system is.

How do each of the planets compare? How does our sun compare?  Here's a great video that shows size comparisons: 

Now, given all that, can you imagine not bowing down in awe of the one who created it all?  How is it that we, tiny little specks in the solar system, let alone the universe, are important to God?  Why isn't God more important to us? 

We should worship God not because we want eternal life or in fear of some punishment - we should worship God because...well...God is GOD!

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