Sunday, November 16, 2014


The weather man has predicted freezing rain and snow tonight.  Something tells me it will be less impressive than I would like.  I enjoy rain and snow, although not necessarily at the same time.

I like the way the world looks when it snows.  I like how it is so quiet when there's a thick layer of snow on the ground. Memories of my youth playing in the snow come back and I pull out the hot chocolate and a good book. 

Growing up on a farm meant that I had fields worth of snow with which to build a snowman or make snow angels.   I've moved farther south and we rarely have any significant accumulation. It has been raining all day and the temp is hovering just under 40 degrees so it is cold.  I decided not to make a trip to the grocery store and ordered pizza. Apparently I am not the only one with this idea because estimated delivery is an hour and a half. I live a quarter mile from the store. 

Today I am indulging my inner child, waiting in anticipation for a pizza and waiting in anticipation of the coming bad weather, hoping like a little child for a snow day. 

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