Thursday, November 13, 2014

November Snow in Memphis

I was busy at the VA last night and so I missed a couple of things.  First, I didn't a post in yesterday - I'll catch up shortly.  Second, it snowed last night in Memphis!  Really, it did!  In fact it created such a mess of traffic on the bridges that a friend said he entered West Memphis, AR at 7:45am and didn't get to the Seminary until 10:40. 

Want to see how bad it was?  I took a photo just so I could have proof that it did snow in Memphis.  Here you go:

Yep, that's it, the layer of snow on my bumper.  If you look to the right you can see that there is nothing on the ground.  In fact, here's a picture I took about 20 minutes later:

See - most of the trees haven't even turned yet!

While cold, it was a pretty day. This is a weird year for weather, my friends.  Can't wait to see what happens next!

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