Saturday, November 1, 2014

Outlaw Preachers, Meeting New People, and Hope.

The first challenge offered by a group to which I belong was to write about how I met a friend or a group of friends - here's my story:

A few years ago I ran across this group of people on Twitter that called themselves Outlaw Preachers (OPs).  I was just beginning to respond to God's call to ministry but I still wasn't sure where it was leading me.  I had decided that I wanted to go back to school and Memphis Theological Seminary was right across from the church I had been attending for several years.  I'm not even sure how I found out about the OPs. I was new to twitter and certainly didn't know anyone.

I soon discovered that their thoughts on God's intention for this world were closer to my understanding than the thoughts of those I had been taught to revere as experts.  In fact, their progressive nature was more in line with some authors I had just discovered.  Their focus was on the Great Commandment as a means to accomplish the Great Commission.  Granted, there were/are many in the group that hold views that I do not agree with. Some are more radical, some are more conservative. Somehow we managed to make it work. For a while at least.

As with all things, change comes. People come and go and in the midst of the messiness conflict arises.  Unfortunately things became polarized and heated. We had attracted people who needed affirmation and a safe space. As we all know, there is really no safe space on the internet and many people had their feelings hurt terribly. We lost a great many people initially because they simply weren't interested in engaging in that useless and draining activity that is arguing on the internet. At one point the group split and many of those who had been poking and prodding left. That was when the rest of us took a great big sigh of relief.  Now we could get on with things.

The Outlaw Preachers are still around. We are smaller, closer and not in the public eye like we used to be. As a group we had been branded heretics by some of the more vitriolic Christian bloggers. What we are now is a group of people deeply committed to radical love.  The love that Christ calls us to and the kind that Christ demonstrated throughout his life, death and resurrection.

I met one of my best friends through the group. Connie Waters is often called "momma Outlaw" and she does offer a love that is comfortable and comforting.  Connie has been called upon many times by me and others that just needed a hand held or a receptive ear.  I've met renowned authors and new authors. I've met those who are just now entering the worldwide stage of Christian speakers and those who've been doing that for decades.  I've met several women who I admire greatly. It is through them that I learned of RevGalBlogPals - a great blog, a great resource and a great place to learn.

I am sustained by members of the Outlaw Preachers group.  I've seen members do heroic things through social media. I've attended online worship services and participated in conferences. My hope in this world is increased by what I have witnessed from this group. My ministry would not be what it is today if not for stumbling across this little known hashtag (#outlawpreachers) and now facebook group. Come on over and join us. You'll find some things too far out there for you and some too conservative. What I do believe you will find is love. Loving people loving others.

My love to them and my love to you.


1 comment:

  1. We all need a group that loves us and challenges us to be as radical as Jesus in loving and accepting others. Thanks!
